Sunday, November 16, 2008

When Darkness turns to Light,It Ends Tonight.

Things i'll never forget in secondary school life.

1.After school makan cum talk cock session with Elton,Jiaqi,Gary,Zhengsheng.All the jokes,all the laughter....
2.The wonderful times we had in Korea,watching Euro 08,all the laughter.....
3.Me and Jiayu looking away to avoid Miss Angeline Lee from catching us asleep....
4.POA chat sessions with my jies......
5.POA chat sessions with Kishore and co....
6.POA chat sessions with bff,Azima....
7.Comeback kings,Yo momma....
8.Sec 1&2 years,going to school together with Peiying and Kimhong.....
9.Walking to school alone,listening to my fav music.....
10.Always joking around,criticising each other,and ending in a burst of laughter....
11.Toilet trips in between lessons with my bros.....
12.PE lessons soccer with Kishore and co.....
13.Those sec 1 years when we just got to know each innocent,no hatred,no conflicts,just harmony.
14.Sec 1,when Kishore Kumarr was so obsessed with Usher's Yeah,that he blasted it in the com lab....
15.Sec 4,during O level practical quarantine time,climbing to the back of the stage,exploring the school while we still had the chance...
16.NCC camps,late night watching Batman Begins and you-know-what-guys-watch....
17.Sec 1 camp,Banana Woman & Banana Man,and me being best camper!
18.Sec 1&2 ,Miss Kelly Lee's F&N lessons,joking around,all the laughter...
19.The infamous 'case',which wrecked my 2008 CNY......
20.After every holiday,commneting on each other's outrageous haircuts!
21.Elton's perky butt while climbing the stairs!
22.Although quite sucky,but Miss Angeline Lee's lessons were a good experience.
23.Basketball during PE/After school.
24.Delicious malay food in school!
25.Western food too!
26.New block....
27.Old block's back corridor...
29.All my friends,all the teachers.
30.NCC Part D 2008!

Will add more as i think of them.

Forever etched deep down in my heart,never to be forgotten.
Grad night was last night.
Had alot of fun,
But couldn't bear to part with all my friends.
Love my friends,forever.
All the times we had,
I will never forget.

Forever etched in my heart.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Grad night is tmrw.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 papers left.
And it's overrrr.
Dunno if it's a good thing or bad thing.
We shall see.

Feeling so worried right now.
Don't know why.

-Am i treating my parents well enough?
-Will i get my desired results?
-Will i get into Business Studies @ NP?
-Will i be able to see all my friends on a regular basis?
-Life after O's seems pretty boring.
-Wad to do to occupy myself?
-My dreams?Is it even possible?

A carefree and worry-free life is what i want,cringe and desire for.
But,its impossible.
No pain=No gain.
No downs=No ups.

I never want my parents to leave me.Never.
Love you Mum & Dad.